Evergreen International Airlines Inc., a provider of air freight and transport services, sought bankruptcy protection yesterday two weeks after creditors asked a court to force the company to pay off its debt through involuntary bankruptcy, Bloomberg News reported yesterday. The bankruptcy petition, filed in Delaware, cited as much as $100 million in assets and as much as $500 million in debt. Some creditors filed papers on Dec. 17 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Brooklyn, N.Y., seeking to force McMinnville, Ore.-based Evergreen to pay its bills, according to the Delaware petition. Also seeking chapter 7 protection were affiliates Supertanker Services Inc. and Evergreen Defense and Security Services Inc. If you are or could be a creditor of Evergreen or any of its affiliates you should contact counsel immediately because there are certain rights that will elapse quickly for certain types of creditors in the bankruptcy case if action is not taken immediately.