Nov 28, 2012 | Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Fiduciary Liability for Retirement Plan Sponsors: What Employers Should Be Losing Sleep Over By Christine M. Moehl SAALFELD GRIGGS Employers who sponsor retirement plans are considered “fiduciaries” with respect to every employee who participates in their plan. This...
Nov 28, 2012 | Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Designing Your Retirement Program to Attract and Retain Key Employees By Randall W. Cook SAALFELD GRIGGS PC A major component to any successful business is its ability to attract and retain key employees. Studies indicate that an employer’s retirement program is high...
Nov 28, 2012 | Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Creative Uses for Cross-Tested Retirement Plans By Randall W. Cook SAALFELD GRIGGS PC As we have reported in past issues of “Business Briefs,” cross-tested retirement plans are a unique form of profit sharing plan that allow employers to allocate considerably higher...
Nov 28, 2012 | Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Cash Balance Plans: The Best of Two Retirement Plan Worlds Have you, like many other Americans, seen a substantial decrease in your retirement savings? Are you nearing retirement with less retirement savings than you expected? Would you like to contribute larger...
Nov 28, 2012 | Employee Benefits & Executive Compensation
Are You Playing Audit Roulette with Your 401(k) Plan? The prospect of an audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) strikes fear into the heart of most employers who sponsor qualified retirement plans. When an auditor finds...