Jun 1, 2013 | Business & Taxation, Dental, News, Real Property & Land Use
By Mark Shipman & Doug Alexander You just started the initial negotiations on purchasing a dental practice. In addition to discussing the purchase price of the practice, the goodwill, and the equipment, there is a single line on the letter of intent that says you...
Nov 28, 2012 | Dental, Employment Law, Health Law
Requiring Flu Shots: How Far Can I Go To Protect Patients? By David Briggs SAALFELD GRIGGS PC Many practices remember 2009’s H1N1 “swine” flu outbreak. Nationally, it was the turning point for many employers, as many began requiring employees to receive annual flu...
Nov 28, 2012 | Dental, Health Law
Now What?: Life After HIPAA’s September 23 Deadline By David Briggs and Wayne Kinkade SAALFELD GRIGGS PC If you’re like most medical practices, you’re tired of hearing about HIPAA, HITECH, and the Omnibus Rule. Most practices now have an updated business...