The Glass is Half Full!

The Glass is Half Full! By Doug Alexander SAALFELD GRIGGS PC It is amazing how much things can and, in fact, have changed over a span of only a few years. Looking back two to three years, most of us remember with some fondness the growth that we saw in our businesses...

Protecting Your Trademark

Protecting Your Trademark By Caleb A. Williams SAALFELD GRIGGS PC You may have read the recent news reports discussing the dispute between the Tillamook County Creamery Association (“TCCA”), producer of Tillamook Cheese, and Tillamook Country Smoker, Inc. (“TCS”),...

Planning Your Exit

Planning Your Exit By SG Business & Taxation Practice Group SAALFELD GRIGGS It’s never too early to begin planning a graceful exit from your business. Whether you are moving to the next investment, turning the family business over to the next generation, or...