The Legislature, Real Estate, and You

The Legislature, Real Estate, and You Every two years in the spring, the great lawmakers of our state assemble to partake in the democratic process by which our laws are made and amended. This is a time Oregonians appreciate our process and applaud our representative...

When a Release Does Not Release

When a Release Does Not Release When businesses resolve disputes or potential disputes short of a verdict, the one thing they desire is finality. What use is all the time, money and energy it takes to resolve or prevent a dispute, if the same or related issue can rear...

The New Anti-Markup Rule For Diagnostic Tests

The New Anti-Markup Rule For Diagnostic Tests By Wayne Kinkade SAALFELD GRIGGS PC On November 18, 2008, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) published its final 2009 physician fee schedule. The new fee schedule also finalized regulations regarding...