Join us in Sunriver for the fourth tri-state convention of the Idaho, Nevada and Oregon Bankers Associations. We have a valuable program planned for our joint convention, to be held once again in beautiful Sunriver, Oregon. Let the journey begin at this premier banking industry event where we will char t our industry’s course. We look forward to seeing you in Sunriver!


TOPIC: Divergent Paths – Where Will You Take Your Bank in the Future?

PRESENTER: Karl Nelson, President & CEO, KPN Consulting, Roswell, GA

For the second time in many of our histories, our industry suffered through a banking crisis. Fortunately, we are recovering from the latest, but for many bankers significant questions about the future remain. During the past eight years, 2,025 banks have disappeared from our industry, but only 25% due to failure. That statistic leaves many of us wondering about our own choices – buy, sell or stay the course? Nelson will look at this critical period and considerations for 2015 and beyond.