CEJ luncheonOn September 17, about 300 members of the Oregon legal community gathered for the Campaign for Equal Justice luncheon at Mission Mill to learn about legal aid. The luncheon was generously underwritten by Pioneer Trust Bank. Our attorneys Shannon Martinez, Jennifer Paul, Kelley Washburn and Therese Adams were among those who attended.

Justice David Brewer spoke about things that private lawyers can do (such as join with CEJ) to help with the funding crisis facing legal aid programs, and how legal aid helps the court system function more effectively.

Michael Keeney, Director of Marion-Polk Legal Aid, updated the group on a few recent cases that their office resolved with brief advice and service. These small acts of justice took less than 6 hours of attorney work, but meant the world to the clients helped.

Founded by lawyers, and supported by the legal community, the Campaign for Equal Justice (CEJ) is the support arm of Oregon’s legal aid programs. Oregon lawyers established CEJ in 1991, with the mission of making equal access to justice a reality for all Oregonians. Statewide legal aid organizations encourage your support through CEJ.

CEJ is powered by 300 lawyer and legal staff volunteers from across Oregon. CEJ activities include:

  • Operating an Annual Fund Drive with the help of 300 volunteer lawyers;
  • Educating lawyers and the community about access to justice and how legal services are delivered in Oregon;
  • Working with lawyer volunteers and bar organizations to increase state and federal funding for legal aid;
  • Growing foundation support for legal aid programs; and
  • Managing an Endowment to preserve the future of legal aid.