Oregon’s Pay Equity Law Demystified 

Join us on Wednesday, April 10th for an exciting presentation on Oregon’s new Equal Pay Act. 

Pay Equity is Here – The deadline for all employers to comply with Oregon’s new Equal Pay Act is here. The law prohibits unlawful pay disparities between employees who perform work of comparable character. Any unlawful difference in pay will be treated as unpaid wages, exposing the employer to liability for back wages, penalties, compensatory damages, punitive damages, enforcement actions and attorney fees. As a result, even small disparities can result in big liability.

Pay Equity Analysis – The tests for work of comparable character are complex. Where jobs are comparable, the law generally requires comparable pay, bonuses and benefits. The law builds in some narrow exceptions for certain “bona fide factors” that can help justify a pay disparity between employees who perform comparable work. The law also provides some protection for employers who analyze and fix their pay disparities in advance.

Roadmap to Compliance – In this presentation, we will explain the requirements of the new law, discuss the steps every employer must take, and dive into the complex process of determining comparable jobs, identifying pay disparities, applying bona fide factors, and correcting issues that may arise. We’ll also provide practical examples and best practices you can apply to help bring your organization into compliance.

Seminar Details –

DATE: Wednesday April 10, 2019 – 7:15am – 8:30am

COST: Free for Clients and Friends of the Firm

LOCATION: Saalfeld Griggs Business Lawyers | Park Place – 2nd Floor – 250 Church Street SE, Salem, Oregon



Randall Sutton, J.D.                         David Briggs, J.D.

REGISTRATION: To register, email kfranz@sglaw.com.  For any questions, please contact Kayla Franz at 503.399.1070.  Space is limited.