2015 Special Holiday “Scrooge” Edition


Wednesday, December 2, 2015 – 7:15 – 8:30 a.m.

Office of Saalfeld Griggs PC

Park Place – 2nd Floor – 250 Church Street SE, Salem, Oregon


The holiday season brings with it a myriad of issues that can make even the most generous of employers declare, “Bah Humbug!”  In this interactive session, we will discuss situations you may face this time of year, including:

  •      Holiday ADA Issues:  Filled with busy days, overspending, short daylight hours, visits from out-of-town relatives, and general over-indulgence on treats in the break room, the holidays can be both stressful and unhealthy. We will discuss when and how you may be obligated to accommodate disabilities associated with or triggered during the winter months, such as seasonal affective disorder, depression, anxiety, obesity, or extreme frugality.
  • Holiday Wage & Hour Issues:
    • Bonuses – Calculation and payment of year-end or holiday bonuses can trigger complex overtime calculations. We will address some common pitfalls and how to avoid being visited by the spirits of employees past.
      Holiday Parties – It’s a party after all, so is it really working time?  What if an employee is injured at the party, suffers sexual harassment as a result of a coworker’s drunken advances, or injures someone while driving home? It’s enough to turn even Bob Cratchit into a Scrooge.
    • Volunteering – Many employers encourage volunteering during the holiday season. Can you encourage such an exercise of  holiday spirit without having to pay for it?
    • Snow Days & Holidays – Office closures pose unique challenges. Can you require an employee to get to work, even when the roads are dangerous?  What about employees who show up to work when the office is closed?  We will discuss obligations and best practices.
    • Garnishments – One of Scrooge’s favorite topics. Your employees may have been lured to overspend by Black Friday deals. What are your obligations when handling garnishments down the road from competing creditors? We will discuss how to prioritize and process multiple garnishments.
  • Religious Accommodations: Many of your employees will celebrate religious holidays that may not be covered under most employers’ standard paid holidays. Others may want to display religious decorations on their person or at their work station. We will discuss how to approach these issues and successfully handle requests for accommodation.