Conservation Easements

By Real Estate & Land Use Practice Group Conservation easements offer landowners the opportunity to maintain the natural characteristics of their land without foregoing income. Landowners who own natural, open space, agricultural, forest, recreational or...

Campaign for Equal Justice Oregon

On September 17, about 300 members of the Oregon legal community gathered for the Campaign for Equal Justice luncheon at Mission Mill to learn about legal aid. The luncheon was generously underwritten by Pioneer Trust Bank. Our attorneys Shannon Martinez, Jennifer...

Con-Tech Home Building Project

Con-Tech, Inc. and Salem-Keizer Public Schools broke ground on a new house to be built by McKay High School and South Salem High School students. The house is located at 519 24th St. NE in Salem. The project is part of a construction technology program...

Employment Law Updates for Summer 2014

Just as the temperatures really heated up this summer, so did new developments in Employment Law. With new Supreme Court cases, executive orders, local ordinances, and agency guidance, a lot happened this summer. Here is an overview from the summer of 2014 –  Saalfeld...