Minimum Wage & Other Wage & Hour Woes

Randall Sutton, David Briggs, and Therese Holmstrom

DATE: Thursday, March 17, 2016 – 7:15am – 8:30am – Saalfeld Griggs Office
COST: Free for Clients/Friends of the Firm
LOCATION: The Office of Saalfeld Griggs PC, Park Place – 2nd Floor – 250 Church Street SE, Salem Oregon.


Oregon’s New Minimum Wage – New minimum wage increases start phasing in this July. As Oregon works its way towards the highest state minimum wage rate in the nation, we will discuss the changes, compliance issues, and strategies to address wage compression challenges.

DOL White Collar Exemption Proposed Rule – The U.S. Department of Labor is expected to issue its final rule as early as May, with the new rule likely effective this summer. The anticipated increase in the qualifying salary threshold for exempt “white collar” employees will allow millions of salaried workers to start receiving overtime. We will discuss what this means for your business, and some strategies for preparing for the new rule.

Misclassification of Independent Contractors – Oregon and the U.S. Department of Labor have recently taken an aggressive stance on seeking out workers who may be improperly classified as independent contractors. We will discuss the key factors that define an independent contractor and consequences that arise from misclassification.