On Thursday, April 23, 2015, Blanchet Catholic School celebrated Founders Day, an annual celebration where they recognize the outstanding service, commitment and contributions of significant members of our Blanchet Community. Our very own Robert Saalfeld received the Blanchet President’s Award. Congratulations to all of these outstanding individuals for their contributions to the students and community of Blanchet Catholic School.

– Pioneer Trust Bank was awarded with Community Partner of the Year.

– Mr. Robert Saalfeld received the President’s Award.

– Staff service awards were presented to Tony Guevara and Kami Hettwer for five years of service, Warren Williamson for 15 years of service and Mary Hollinger, Ron Miller and Marsha Lyons for 20 years of service. Ms. Stephanie Razmus was presented with the Distinguished Educator of the Year Award.

– Board service awards were presented to Kevin Mannix, Doug Weathers and Lowell Smith for 20 years of service.

– Volunteer of the Year was presented to Mrs. Page Gianella.